Forgot the name of a prescription drug? Can’t remember the date of the operation? Use My HealtheVet to access your VA health records and organize your personal health information. Members enrolled in My HealtheVet can manage their health by using the blue My HealtheVet button to set up reports or access the VA health summary. The VA Blue Button feature helps you better manage your medical needs and communicate with your medical team. With the VA Blue Button feature, you can:
Send an electronic version of the information you enter in a secure message to your VA medical team.
Create your personal health record (PHR) by entering personal information or data you track yourself.
Start creating your PHR by entering your personal information yourself, such as medical history, emergency contacts, and medications. You can keep track of your vital signs and use the diary to keep track of your diet and physical activity. Even if you’re not a veteran, you can use this handy way to organize your information.
If you are a veteran receiving VA assistance, you can access your VA medical records and create custom reports that may also include data that you have entered yourself. Many veterans may also attach a copy of their military service information from the Department of Defense (DoD).
Some smartphone applications are also available through various sources other than VA. While VA does not support certain applications, there are now creative, secure, and easy-to-use ways to view Blue Button data. Find Blue Button in your smartphone’s app library to learn more.
Provide a summary of your health that can be used to review your medical records and share basic information with your healthcare provider.
Enables electronic exchange of health information in one healthcare system with another healthcare system providing care
You can obtain a summary of the VA status in two file formats: an easy-to-read and printable PDF format, and an XML format that can be read by computer systems.
To use the VA Blue Button feature and access the VA health digest, you must be registered as a VA patient with a Premium account on My HealtheVet. Learn more about upgrading your My HealtheVet account with Upgrade to Premium My HealtheVet Account.
Log in and look for the blue VA button icon on the My HealtheVet home page to set up a health report or summary.
VA seamlessly and securely exchanges VA patient electronic health records with local health care providers who are part of its care team through the Veterans Health Information Exchange (VHIE). VHIE gives health care providers of VA patients better information about their medical records. VA patients with a My HealtheVet Premium account can manage their EHR sharing options. For more information about the benefits of sharing, visit the Secure Health Record Sharing page.
If you are a veteran in crisis or troubled by a crisis, contact our caring and trained professionals for confidential assistance. Many of them are veterans themselves.